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WaterProofing – Is it Worth Doing?

A lot of folks carry this misconception and mistakenly think of it as a non-essential service.

They believe availing of waterproofing services is superfluous when you can fix the visible crack with readily available chemical solutions or resin at a fraction of cost.

So far so good but here’s the reality.

The waterproofing service is more than meets the eye. It includes surface analysis, assessing the damage, doing the estimation for an optimized solution, finding the right products mix and, finally backing it up with a guarantee period.

You see it’s a highly specialized field of work that needs professional expertise and experience.

Let’s dive a little deep to grasp its complexities.

Any layman could easily plug the gaps of a fractured surface by applying general-purpose sealants available in the market but this quick fix won’t last long and what if I tell you that even despite its effectiveness, the damage continues to happen, and before you know it’s too late?

Sounds strange and contradictory!

Well! It’s not.

Let me tell you the damage occurs at different levels and there are layers to it.

When the water seepage takes place the areas with high exposure to the water get more affected but the story doesn’t end here. This water reaches the concrete structure deep inside and causes rust within metal rods which over the period of time it reduces its strength. Also, the mortar’s binding capacity weakens as its pores widen when the water spreads via inner channels.

You won’t realize this but by and by thin hairline cracking starts to develop in your concrete structure. Most of the time it is invisible to the naked eyes and mostly it happens underneath the surface.

The immediate damage is not apparent but surely things are set to change if left unchecked and over the period of time the damages are irreversible.

Every structure has a life of its own and buildings are no exception.

Your dwelling place is not just a house; it’s a home filled with the warmth and coziness of your loved ones and proper maintenance ensures that it stays intact for a longer period.

Maintenance takes care of avoidable damages and increases the longevity of your dream home.

But many would argue that maintenance is a costly affair.

Yes! definitely, you’ll incur a certain expenditure but before you jump to any conclusion I would like to share a story of a miser who believed in hard negotiation and wanted everything dirt cheap or for free.

One fine morning he was set off for his regular morning walk, when he was interrupted by a coconut vendor offering a tender coconut for Rs. 4, instead of buying man enquired if he can get it any cheaper.

Disappointingly, the seller pointed him towards the sea-beach.

There is found retailer offering the same coconut for Rs. 3 but as usual, he repeated his familiar question. ‘Can I get it any cheaper?’ and the trader disapprovingly directed him to

a person carrying a bamboo balance with coconuts hung on both sides.

He approached him and this time the cost was Rs. 2. This scrooge got excited and asked if he can get it any cheaper.

To this, the merchandiser replied, “Why don’t you check with that merchant over there?” And left the place.

By now this man was excited and convinced that he’s getting a good deal. Finally, he talked with the dealer but he was reluctant to offer it at a retail price but he thought after all any money is good money when your goods are getting liquidating fast. So, he agreed to sell a single piece for Re. 1.

By now this stingy man made up his mind and wanted it for free. So he questioned if there is any such scope?

The businessman with a confused look said yes! “Fetch me 10 coconuts and you get one for free.”

The math was simple and the miser took a plunge.

With overzealousness, he somehow climbed atop the coconut tree and accidentally lost his control and fell.

When he regained his consciousness he found himself in a hospital bed with severe spinal cord injury and during the course of treatment the price is paid was a little over 4 lakh.

Though this story looks simplistic and this act of foolishness is rare but unknowingly many homeowners are doing the same mistake but it’s so subtle that they fail to realize it. The time lag makes it harder for them to detect it.

We all know, everything that you have or do comes with a cost associated with it but there is a price you pay for defaulting.

Even what seems free actually demands your time and attention which if translated in terms of money has real value.

Let us go back to our story and see the difference between the cost and the price.

At first, the coconut was offered to the victim for Rs. 4 – this is the cost of the product and service.

He got tempted and tried getting it free and the price tag was Rs. 400K – this is the price he paid.

Normally the price is pain or a number of times the initial cost and is beyond your control.

Cost = Short-term pain

Price = Longterm Consequences

Still in doubt?

Don’t worry we’ll take, complete care of your building that’s why we call ourselves Building Ka Doctor.

Right from diagnosis to treatment we do it all.

Call us Now – 9776417248, for an inspection report or check out our website to know what our customers and client have to say about us.

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